Ministry Assessments

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Correlieu has not yet set the 2023-2024 schedule for when students will write their Literacy 10, Literacy 12, Numeracy 10, and Numeracy 12. 

There are also a French Immersion Oral & Written Assessments (10 & 12) for French Immersion students.


Assessments are graduation requirement.

Each sessions assessment schedule will be shared with students & parents/guardians closer to the times these sessions run. 

Students have the opportunity to take an assessment up to 3 times; where their best mark is then recorded on their transcript by the time they graduate. 

The assessments are designed to be completed within 2 hours, but they have up to 3 hours to complete an assessment.  

Typically, the Ministry offers these assessments are in November, January, April & June of each year.

The link above has information on sample assessments, guides for students and staff.