School Fees


Student Activity Fee

Waived this year for all students – A special Family Affordability Fund from the Province of BC has made this possible! Typically, this would have been $30.  This includes Student ID card – so make sure to have your photo taken on the morning of September 22rd. Also includes locker rental and various other events & activities throughout the year.


   Waived for



This is optional.  We recommend pre-paying in advance when possible, to avoid disappointment as limited yearbooks are ordered based on early in the school year sales. Yearbooks typically arrive & are distributed mid-late June.                                             



This for graduating students.  Fees help pay a number of fixed costs such as grad photo sitting fees, cap, tassel, usage of gown & stole for ceremonies, diploma cover, lanyard, program, decorations, rentals, ticket printing, grad BBQ and so much more. 
