Scholarships & Awards
Scholarship Info - Google Classroom Page
Please go to this link for up-to-date info on scholarship opportunities.
The class code is: a3l6a7l
Local Scholarships & Bursaries
2023-2024 Scholarship and Bursary Packages are available here and in the Career Center. Students need one of each package - Handbook and Application. Application and all required documents are due Tuesday, April 9 at 3 p.m. Ms. Kinloch is available until Spring Break to help students make sure they have applied for everything they can. Ms. Pelchat is available every Friday during study block for help with Scholarship Resumes and other required documents.
Scholarship & Bursary Handbook 2023-2024 Scholarship & Bursary Application 2023-2024
District Awards
2023-2024 District Awards packages are now available here and in the Career Center. Applications are due to Ms. Kinloch no later than April 24 at 3 p.m.