Quesnel Board of Education Reaffirm Commitment to the Truth & Reconciliation's Calls to Action
The Quesnel board of education and superintendent confirm receipt of the book titled Grave Error – How Media Misled us (and the Truth about Residential Schools), and the district denounces this book. The written and oral stories of those who have lived through the experience of residential schools are factual and have impacted generations of families in Canada, and specifically in our region.
The truth of residential schools impacts all of us, especially those who lived and still live these atrocities, which includes generational impacts. We live with the responsibility to show care and compassion and most importantly to ensure a better future for all our students.
The Quesnel School District is tasked with the responsibility of teaching children, along with the rest of us, about the atrocities of the past in order to grow and heal. We do this with resources that are vetted for accuracy and integrity by partners such as FNESC (First Nation Education Steering Committee) and our local Aboriginal Education Council.
The board of education and district respect and honour the stance of the Lhtako Dene in denouncing this book. The district stands with the Lhtako Dene Nation, Nazko First Nation, Lhooskuz Dene Nation, ?Esdilagh First Nation, Métis Nation and all Indigenous partners in reaffirming our commitment to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action.
For more information, please contact:
Dan Lowndes, Superintendent
SD28 Quesnel
250-992-8802 / danlowndes@sd28.bc.ca
Lisa Boudreau, Board Chairperson
SD28 Quesnel
250-255-5960 / lisaboudreau@sd28.bc.ca